6 Important Tests to Diagnose Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation refers to a type of arrhythmia that can not only affect your normal heart function but can also increase the risk of stroke. It is considered to be the most common type of arrhythmia as almost 2.7 million people in the country are currently suffering from this health disorder.
To diagnose this condition, your doctor will first review your medical history as well as the symptoms you are experiencing. After that, he may ask you to undergo several tests to diagnose the disease properly before starting the course of treatment for atrial fibrillation. These tests generally include:
1. Electrocardiogram
To complete this diagnostic procedure, your doctor will place some electrodes to your arms and chest. These electrodes will help the doctor to send some electrical signals through your heart to let him know about your heart condition. The ECG is generally considered to be the primary test to detect atrial fibrillation as it can reveal almost all the problems of your heart. If this test helps the doctor to get enough information, then he may start the course of treatment for atrial fibrillation right away.
2. Blood tests
Doctors generally perform some blood tests to check for underlying diseases which are known to cause this disorder. Several blood tests can also help your doctor to rule out any kind of heart damage. However, the blood tests alone will not be able to detect atrial fibrillation which is why your doctor may ask you to do some other tests.
3. Stress test
As the name goes, a stress test will be able to help the doctor check the health of the heart by putting some extra strain on it. To complete this test, your doctor will use an ECG to examine your blood pressure as well as heart rate. If the stress test succeeds to detect the disorder, then your doctor will give you a brief introduction to the courses of treatment for atrial fibrillation.
4. Event recorder
An event recorder is a type of portable device which you would have to carry for two to eight weeks. This portable device would help you to record any kind of heart issues you experience during this period.
5. Holter monitor
Like the event recorder, you will also have to carry this device to record the activities of your heart. However, unlike the previous device, you will have to keep this to yourself for only 24 to 48 hours.
6. Echocardiogram
For this test, your doctor would hold a transducer on your chest to send sound waves. These waves will help to create a moving picture of your heart to reveal the heart damage or blood clots, which are caused by the condition. This test will provide your doctor with enough information and will help him to start the course of treatment for atrial fibrillation.
So, these are some of the diagnostic tests which your doctor may ask you to do to detect atrial fibrillation. These tests are extremely important as the course of treatment would depend on the results.